Salam...good day! Ever dream of doing something different in your life?I always dream of that...doing something that i have passion for, from the comfort of my home...having the chance of taking care of my daughter on my own...besides doing what i like...
In fact, i now hv a book that i jot everything cncerning my life inside...not only what concerns my work, but everything that touches my life...
Another, i keep a journal of my daily happenings...i believe in channeling my feelings inside the journal which i find very helpful and healthy for my journey into life...
Till next jotting...
Happy holiday to all teachers and students...!
welcome to my world...
Friday, November 22, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013's the School Holidays....
Picture taken from
It's the school holiday mood for all teachers and students...happy holiday all!!
How it feels great to be able to embrace the holiday as life recently real took toll on my time, kind of robbing it from my hubby and daughter, even me myself!
Stressing out in the midst of juggling between family and teaching, between worldly affair and the hereafter life, between almost everything that counts in my life. How tense the starting tone right? Now let's change the topic to a lighter and happier mood to suit the 'worldly haven' of indulging in the upcoming holidays...
It's the whole new different world for me as I foresee myself having a whale of time with my beloved family...Alhamdulillah, Allah's blessings are indeed everywhere around us if we care to stop and start counting them every single second of our life...
Let's cherish our life whatever the circumstances may be!
Let's cherish our life whatever the circumstances may be!
Kepentingan Gerak Kerja
Kokurikulum :
Gerak kerja
kokurikulum adalah penting bagi melengkapkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman
pelajar-pelajar di sekolah. Menerusi gerak kerja kokurikulum perkembangan
sosial, minat dan bakat, dapat diseimbangkan dengan perkembangan mental
pelajar. Gerak kerja ini juga dapat membantu menjadikan Sekolah Menengah
Kebangsaan Desa Murni sebagai tempat yang menarik dan menggembirakan pelajar.
Matlamat/ Objektif Gerak Kerja
Antara matlamat / objektif
gerak kerja kokurikulum sekolah ini ialah :
- Menyemaikan kesedaran pelajar terhadap agama dan kepercayaan kepada Tuhan.
- Menseimbangkan antara perkembangan mental dengan perkembangan rohani, jasmani dan emosi pelajar.
- Mengukuhkan perhubungan dan pergaulan di kalangan pelajar dalam sekolah dan di antara sekolah
- Membina dan meningkatkan minat dan bakat pelajar dalam gerak kerja yang diceburi.
- Membina dan meningkatkan disiplin pelajar-pelajar.
- Mewujudkan budaya sekolah yang menarik dan menggembirakan.
- Membina dan meningkatkan kerjasama dan sumbangan dua hala antara sekolah dengan ibubapa dan masyarakat.
Cara Mencapai Matlamat Gerak
Kerja Kokurikulum :
Matlamat Unit Kokurikulm SMK Desa Murni adalah
untuk :-
- Melibatkan semua pelajar dengan secara aktif sama ada secara individu atau kumpulan di dalam pelbagai jenis gerak kerja.
- Melibatkan pelajar dari semua kaum dan kategori dalam semua gerak kerja kokurikulum .
- Melibatkan pelajar atau pihak sekolah dalam khidmat masyarakat
- Merancang gerakerja dengan teliti dan sistemetik.
- Melibatkan Persatuan Ibubapa dan Guru ( PIBG ) dan masyarakat setempat
- Memberitahu ibubapa mengenai matlamat gerak kerja kokurikulum sekolah serta langkah-langkah yang hendak dilaksanakan.
- Mencatat segala gerak kerja dan kemajuan yang telah dicapai.
- Memberi penghargaan kepada pelajar-pelajar, guru-guru dan pihak-pihak yang terlibat.
Antara unsur-unsur pendidikan yang diterapkan
kepada para pelajar dalam gerak kerja kokurikulum SMK Desa Murni adalah seperti
berikut :-
- Bertanggungjawab dan boleh diharapkan atau dipercayai.
- Amanah, jujur dan ikhlas.
- Mengawal diri seperti disiplin kendiri, menjauhkan daripada melakukan sesuatu yang tidak baik.
- Tolong menolong dan bekerjasama.
- Menjaga kebersihan dan alam sekitar.
- Keberanian; seperti berkeyakinan tinggi, cekal hati dan berani mencuba.
- Berdikari dan dedikasi seperti kebebasan membuat sesuatu dalam lingkungan peraturan.
- Menyuburkan rasa perikemanusiaaan.
Jenis Gerak Kerja
Kokurikulum Yang Ditawarkan :
6.1. Pasukan
Pakaian Seragam :
Pesatuan, Kelab, Hobi dan Rekreasi :
6.3. Sukan
tahun 2013, Unit Kokurikulum SMK Desa Murni telah meghantar pelajar menyertai
pelbagai aktiviti kokurikulum samaada di dalam atau di luar sekolah. Antara
aktiviti Sukan dan Permainan yang telah dijalankan adalah seperti berikut:
1. Ping Pong Berpasukan
a. Naib Johan - 1 pelajar mewakili
2. Bola Sepak Bawah 15 Tahun
a. Johan - bertanding ke Peringkat
3. Bola Jaring Bawah 15 Tahun
a. Ketiga - 3 pelajar terpilih
mewakili Zon
4. Sepak Takraw Antara Regu Bawah 15
a. Ketiga - 2 pelajar terpilih mewakili
Zon ke Peringkat Negeri
5. Kejohanan Olahraga MSSPP
a. 1 Pingat Perak
6. Bola Baling Bawah 15 Tahun
a. Naib Johan
7. Bola Baling Bawah 18 Tahun Lelaki
a. Ketiga
8. Boling Padang Bawah 18 dan 15
Tahun Lelaki
a. Suku Akhir
9. Petanque
a. Penyertaan
10. Tenpin Boling
a. Penyertaan
Aktiviti Ko
Akademik yang telah disertai adalah seperti berikut:
1. Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran, Hafazan,
Syarahan dan Nasyid (MTQ) Peringkat Kelompok
a. Syarahan (Lelaki) Johan serta
Tempat Ketiga Peringkat Negeri.
2. Pertandingan Memasak Anjuran
Nestle (M) Sdn Bhd dan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia Peringkat Kelompok M10
a. Tempat Ketiga
3. Drama Bahasa Inggeris Peringkat Kelompok
a. Naib Johan
4. Caltex Fuel Your School Peringkat
Negeri Pulau Pinang
a. Pemenang Peringkat Negeri
5. Public Speaking Kelompok M10
a. Ketiga Peringkat Kelompok
6. Pertandingan IMITASI Kulit Buku
Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang
a. Tempat Pertama dan Kedua
Peringkat Negeri
Dengan terlaksananya
aktiviti-aktiviti Kokurikulum ini sama ada di bidang Sukan dan Permaianan atau
pun pertandingan Ko Akademik, maka pihak SMK Desa Murni telah dapat mencungkil
bakat-bakat yang terpendam dalam diri para pelajar sekolah ini. Dengan kejayaan
yang telah dicapai oleh para pelajar SMK Desa Murni ini pada tahun 2013,
besarlah harapan semoga para pelajar ini serta para pelajar yang berbakat besar
dalam apa jua bidang dapat menggembleng tenaga bersama guru-guru yang
bertanggungjawab bagi setiap aktiviti sukan atau Ko Akademik bagi terus
mengharumkan nama sekolah di peringkat Kelompok, Zon, Negeri serta seterusnya
ke peringkat Kebangsaan dan mungkin ke persada Antarabangsa pada suatu masa
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Hari Raya
'Potret Hari Raya' by Shukri Zakaria
A studio-like series of pics taken by my lecturer cum photographer cum wedding planner brother, Shukri Zakaria. Kudos my brother. Although he is not in the pic, his looks resemble Shukor, his twin brother, clad in purple baju melayu.
catatan harian,
The truth 'bout myself?
Appreciation and Frustration
My niece's unsung masterpiece...
A wood miniature of my niece that didn't even get a word of appreciation or encouragement from her teacher for completing a task beyond what she was asked to do. It seemed that all her effort was left unrecognized by the teacher. As a teacher myself, I always believe that even a student who got the last place in the class examination needs at least the teacher's respect for what he had put his effort for. I believe that we, ADULT, especially parents and teachers need to learn not to be stingy of uttering these words, (1) GREAT-upon looking at our children's talent, (2) THANK YOU-upon receiving a little help from our little ones,(3) GOOD JOB-for the effort done by these innocent little ONES, even though they did not meet our so-called standard or our selfish desired result for them to achieved. Instead, we, ADULT, need to learn to appreciate EFFORT, not necessarily ONLY the end results.
Also, we, ADULT, need to learn to open our heart and eyes to their cries craving for our attention. Not just the routine of many ADULTS I believe (I'm not saying that ALL adults do these) getting back from work, concentrating on the IDIOT BOX for our favorite show or just stay engrossed with our latest-version HAND PHONE, replying to Whats App, checking Facebook entries, texting our so important colleagues and friends and forgetting our children, oftentimes the little ones, sitting faithfully in front of us, waiting to tell their stories to us, yet we always put them for our LAST priority without us realizing it. Do all these situations familiar with us? After all I am writing from my own experience that I, at times always forget that our children, our spouse, our family are supposed to be our priority instead of our iPad, Tablet, Android Phone, Blackberry, or the idiot box, the flat screen 45" or bigger at home!
Let us together ponder.... and act now before it's too then, there's no use regretting that we did not rectify our mistake when we had the opportunity to do so!
My daughter...crying when she didn't get what she wanted. As a parent, I believe that I need to let her know that, there's a feeling called frustration in life. She needs the experience as I firmly believe that this will be a guide for her to tell her that life is not all about easily getting everything that she wanted, yet there are things needed her to strive for it. So, hopefully, later in life, she will be able to handle that feeling tactfully, thus leading her to a healthy maturity of thinking and in making good decision in her life.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
be yourself...
Salam. That I always tell myself, to be just me, not someone else or not to be what people want me to be, instead, just be me, and, only me. Easy to utter yet difficult to materialize around other human beings, sometimes (or most of the times) we tend to follow what others expect of us, what other people want to see out of us...I wonder, (I always do) why we always tend to do that? Can't everyone just portray our own unique persona...and at the same time, recognize others and respect them?
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