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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Blessings in Disguise

Text: Rozanah Zakaria

Alhamdulillah, I finally knew the person once I thought 'educated' enough to be one of my friends! Haha, sounds funny? I might try to being so sarcastic, yet being my true self, I could never be one, even to the one whom hurt me too much!

Okay, enough said, let's view this in the positive tone. After all, life is too short to keep worrying about things that hurt you or about people who always annoy you, right? Let see, we always heard people say, 'It's a blessing in disguise'.

Well, always, the case is, easier said than done.

However, I strongly believe it is worth trying to stay positive rather than putting yourself into a 'cage' of worrying for everything that comes into my life. We definitely have no total control in our life.

Remembering Allah grants us the freedom to choose the good things rather than the bad ones, I feel relief.

In fact, to get to know the person and later got to know her true colours help me to be extra careful and wary of working with other people.

Do you ever encounter the same experience as mine? Do share yours in positive tones, so everyone could reap the benefit(s).

Bye. Wassalam.

One step at at a time, please!

Text: Rozanah Zakaria

My feeling right now?

Like going to a secluded place, staying there alone till I feel it's time to make a comeback. Reason be? Too many things in hand (it's regarding resuming work that is to come next week) that I start to feel nausea at the idea of coming home from my holiday in Shanghai two days back.

It's the words of my daughters as well, echoed in my ears, saying that she didn't want to go home and to stay holidaying. Deep inside my heart, I felt that too, in fact, still fell it now, two days later.

Coming back to my beloved Malaysia is the most precious moment indeed. Yet, it's kind of in dilemma in me, when half of me yearning to stay holidaying for as long as I could, while the other part of me terribly missed everything Malaysia!

Now, still 'holidaying', or I'd rather call it staycation, since I just really 'lepaking' at home, doing only the simplest of chores to keep my survival, haha!

I'm now peeking through blogs and sites, for clues and inspiration (or shall I call it motivation?) for my next vacation in November. It's the only thing right now, I believe, that will keep me energized until mid November. Till then, tada!



Saturday, March 21, 2015

Life is about giving

Text: Rozanah Zakaria
Photo: Rozanah Zakaria

Salam. Have you praised the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) today? Let's recite your selawat Alla humma solli 'alaa Muhammad, wa 'alaa aali Muhammad.

Life is all about giving. So, should there be in any stage of your life that you find discrepancy, that you find obstacles or that you find misery, then give. Give only for the sake of Allah, without hoping to get any reward in return. Give, if possible, in the midst of darkness, that no one sees you doing the good deeds.

Let's start our day today by giving. Be it in material, our sweat or even just trying to make someone dear to us happy.

The most important thing, always put your mother as your priority in whatever endeavor you are pursuing.

Till then. Wassalam.

jitra weekend getaway

jitra weekend getaway
mama n khyra

weekend getaway

weekend getaway


eat out


looking up

