Text: Rozanah Zakaria
Never fail to appreciate.
Oftentimes, we fail to do so.
Oftentimes, we never do, especially to those very dear to us.
Oftentimes, we ignore those who are always there for us.
Oftentimes, we even hurt the feelings of those who always care for us.
Oftentimes, we even treat them like they are invisible.
Until one day, one fine day;
They are no more here,
They leave us for good,
Or maybe they can't bear too much of those disappointment,
Or they are tired of being treated like they are begging us for life,
Or they simply go, just because they want no more of being shadowed,
being humiliated,
being ignored.
Simply because,
they also have feelings
they also have dreams
And definitely,
They want no more, of being the invisible visible.
Never fail to appreciate,
for it may be too late,
when they are gone,