welcome to my world...


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Messy Thoughts

 Text: I am Rozanne

Put everything in writing whenever you experience these messy thoughts. Just so your mind would be clear of the fog, mist and clouds.

Take a piece of paper and a pencil, scribble and write, and pour all thoughts and worries. Then, you crumple the paper & shred or burn it, so those problems will go poofs! gone int thin air.

Try it, and you'll feel relieved!

Common sense

 Teks: I am Rozanne

1. Sebelum buka pintu kereta di public parking, tengok ada kereta sebelah atau tak. Kalau ada, pegang tepi pintu & bukak perlahan-lahan supaya tak tercalarkan kereta sendiri serta kereta orang, that's it. Common sense right?

2. Bila parking, even sekejap, make sure you are not blocking any vehicles, sebab kita tak pernah tahu kalau orang tu ada emergency at any point of time.

3. Sebelum travel long distance, make sure paling penting 2 benda ni kita ensure ada: isi minyak bagi penuh and topup touch and go atau rfid bg cukup, so takdakla la occasions where orang kena beratur panjang at toll booths semata-mata sebab our balance for toll payment tak cukup.

Monday, June 17, 2024

'Black and white' itu sebenarnya 'penuh warna'

 Teks: Rozanah Zakaria

Dulu, my wardrobe penuh warna, macam-macam kaler ada. Tapi, that was in the past. Now still ada those kaler-kaler, but I guess I'm more towards Black & White, tapi honestly especially black outfit la, coz actully I don't fel so secured dengan white, haha!

Maybe age factor, I'm not sure. Tapi satu hal yang aku yakin, as we age, prioriti kita menjurus kepada hal-hal yang lebih praktikal dan pantas, mungkin logik ini tak benar untuk semua orang, tapi untuk aku, ya. I'm a practical person, so I guess bila cara pemikiran kita berubah, gaya hidup kita juga akan dipengaruhi 'secara besar-besaran' olehnya.

So, pendapat aku yang dulu warna hitam atau yang seangkatan dengannya tu 'bosan' atau 'less colour', sekarang is no more applicable to me. I feel more secured with black outfit or things, sebab ia mengurangkan pening kepala untuk memilih. Well, at least itu apa yang aku rasa. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi hidup kita ini sebenarnya. Cuma satu hal yang perlu kita tahu, prioriti bagi setiap kita adalah berbeza, jai, sentiasalah ingat untuk hanya jadi diri sendiri, bukan orang lain. Kerna sebaik mana orang atau seburuk mana kita fikir tentang diri kita sendiri, kita takkan pernah mampu lari dari diri sendiri.

Akhir kata, love yourself first in whatever you do!

Lot's of luv from me!

Eid Mubarak.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Teks: Rozanah Zakaria

Sabar itu balasannya syurga

Jadi pastinya ia tidak semudah itu untuk kau lalui

Namun apa kau ada pilihan di dunia fana ini?

Sejujurnya tidak

Semoga Allah merahmati kita, maka kita tetap terus berjaya menempuhi ujian kesabaran yang tiada batasannya ini.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Text: Rozanah Zakaria
Photo: Rozanah Zakaria

It is 32 days to SPM examination! Yes! Another month to go! I really hope SPM candidates are using their time wisely now until The Day.

What should you as an SPM candidate do as for now?

1. Have a schedule for revision for all subjects. Maybe you should put a half-an-hour/one-hour slot for each subject every day? It's up to you. You know how you study best, right?

2. Get enough rest. Do not study non-stop! Remember, your health is as equally important.

3. Eat healthy, nutritious food. Avoid junk food/fast food for a while. Their high content of sodium and preservatives may not do good for your alert state of mind.

Happy studying! ☺️

Sunday, September 17, 2017

I feel good today!

Text: Rozanah Zakaria
Photo: Rozanah Zakaria
I love today as I love this yummilicious cream.

After quite some time.

Today I feel like on top of the world. I feel like having all the time for myself. I started today by doing the house chores, the basic ones, doing laundry and ironing. Done with that, I was browsing the online paper. I prefer the Star Online paper as I like to read what I like. Haha!

Then, I go browsing the mail boxes. I mean, my email. Checking the inbox, I replied a few emails specifically seeking for tips on SPM English paper. So I updated my blog entries with what is required, then replying to all emails; letting them know I've updated my jotting, just for them. 

Well, it feels so good when you know that you have done someone a favour.

May Allah bless them all and may they succeed in their coming SPM examination. Ameen.

Be strong my friend.

Text: Rozanah Zakaria
Photo: Rozanah Zakaria
      This life is a journey; a long journey.

I was shocked when I knew she was diagnosed with cancer! O Allah, is this a reminder to me, as well? 😔

I pray that you are strong my friend, I know you are. I am here, always praying for you. May Allah ease your burden. May  Allah ease everything for you. May Allah bless you.


jitra weekend getaway

jitra weekend getaway
mama n khyra

weekend getaway

weekend getaway


eat out


looking up

