welcome to my world...


Saturday, January 29, 2011

my girl...a tough experience...a series of pics

the first pic after she broken her shoulder, falling from the sofa


woke up this morning, felt the freshness of the morning breeze...what a lovely day + cny holiday has started...heaven. :)

doing house chores...bla, bla, bla, at teh same time, thinking...what i'm gonna do to fill the 1-week stretch of holiday...something beneficial. maybe go and look for the wholesaler for the artificial flowers, or maybe go for spa, or maybe go for jogging everyday...

live for today as yesterday is a past and tomorrow is never certain.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

my girl

makin besaq mkin 'rjin' bdk kecik nie, smua bnda dia nak buat.heheh. i think it's normal because i could see that she's learning new things everyday...cma sometimes, fuh...mencabar minda la anak aku nie...heheh

life, so short the time that we have now. january is going to close its curtain in few days...still got a lot of work not settled...arghhh...i really hope i got the strength to keep my new resolution at par...

travelling to work is much easier n lot nearer...alhamdulillah. hope this new school will be my final destination in my quest, disseminating knowledge, seeking for Hisblessing...

huh, when there's a will, there's a way...i believe.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

new year, new school, the same old me?huh...

skolah baru, semangat  (i guess) pn baru... ;). keje skolah oke la, ble dkatakan siap on time (almost 90%) so far...huhu

house chores?arghh! don't know what to say, can someone who loves ironing pls enlighten me on this?don't know why i hate this one particular chore so much, juz couldn't help myself...urghhh!

my baby...khyra. growing up, yep! rapidly...hahah. she filled her every second meaningfully...creatively...and with all other 'ly's...huhu

my hope for the new year? hopefully my dream flower shoppe will materialise in march. Insya Allah...


jitra weekend getaway

jitra weekend getaway
mama n khyra

weekend getaway

weekend getaway


eat out


looking up

